Judith's Cameroon Visit
Christmas this year was spent in Yaounde with some friends putting on a great feed at their house on the other side of town. Elodie and I then headed to Kirbi, with its wonderful long deserted stretches of white sand and some quiet beach time. We hoped to track down some rare turtles laying their eggs on the beach under the cover of darkness, but after two nights out walking and sleeping on the beaches we will have to try again another day for that experience. My sister Judith arrrived in Cameroon to visit our African outpost just before the year ended. We headed with her for the hills and spent New Years Eve beside a beautiful lake at the top of the Mananguba Mountains, about half way between the coast and where I work in Belo. The 'guide' turned out to be a right pain, but we got there in the end and enjoyed a swim, fresh fish, and christmas pudding all the way from New Zealand. My mate Andy also joined us for this little camping trip. Cameroon has featured in the movies ...
This is a bit of random contact but I'm thinking that my brother Matthew Ball may be with you on this project? My name's Amanda and I was on google maps just now trying to find out where exactly Wamura was in Ethiopia and I came across your blog. Figure there can't be too many of you over there so thought I had to say hello.
I've had a brief email from Matt, but understand the difficulties of communication, so to be able to read your blog and get a little more detail is fantastic.
Hope all's going well for the team, it's great work you're doing. Look forward to your next posting.